Prof. Kim Wook
Full Professor
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biological Engineering
Ajou University
206, World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon, 16499, Korea
Hyegang Hall 421
Tel: +82-31-219-2513
E-mail: wookkim21@ajou.ac.kr
2002 - 2006
Ph.D. Cell Biology, Department of Life Science,
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea
2000 - 2002
M.S. Cell Biology, Department of Life Science,
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea
1992 - 1996
B.S. Department of Biology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
2021.9 – Present Full Professor
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biological Engineering Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University
2015.9 – 2021.9 Associate Professor
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biological Engineering Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University
2012.9 – 2015.8 Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biological Engineering Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University
2011. 9 – 2012.8 Research Fellow
Diabetes Section / Lab of Clinical Investigation
National Institute on Aging (NIA) / NIH, Baltimore, USA
Mentor: Josephine M. Egan, M.D.
2006. 10 – 2011. 9 Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow
Diabetes Section / Lab of Clinical Investigation
National Institute on Aging (NIA) / NIH, Baltimore, USA
Mentor: Josephine M. Egan, M.D.
2006. 3 – 2006. 9 Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Life Science
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea
Mentor: Woo Keun Song, Ph.D.
[First or Corresponding Author] : 23 papers
Da Eun Jeong1,3, Sungeun Heo1,3, Ji Hye Han1, Eun-young Lee1, Rohit N. Kulkarni2, and Wook Kim1*. Glucose Controls the Expression of Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein 1 via the Insulin Receptor Signaling Pathway in Pancreatic β Cells. Molecules and cells. Mol. Cells 2018; 41(10): 909-916 (2018)
Chongtae Kim,†, Da Eun Jeong,†, Sungeun Heo, Eunbyul Ji1, Jun Gi Rho, Myeongwoo Jung, Sojin Ahn, Ye-Jin Kim, Yong-Sung Kim, Suk Woo Nam, Rohit N. Kulkarni,Kyoung Bun Lee,*, Eun Kyung Lee,* and Wook Kim,*. Reduced RNA-binding protein HuD in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. lowers p27Kip1 levels linked to poor prognosis. The Journal of Pathology. doi: 10.1002/path.5135 (2018)
Rho JG, Han HS, Han JH, Lee H, Nguyen VQ, Lee WH, Kwon S, Heo S, Yoon J, Shin HH, Lee EY, Kang H, Yang S, Lee EK, Park JH, Kim W*. Self-assembled hyaluronic acid nanoparticles: Implications as a nanomedicine for treatment of type 2 diabetes. J Control Release. 279:89-98 (2018).
Ji Hye Han, Hanho Shin, Jun Gi Rho, Jung‐Eun Kim, Dong Hwee Son, Juhwan Yoon, Yong Jae Lee, Jung Hyuck Park, Byung Jeong Song, Chang‐Sik Choi, Seul Gi Yoon, Il Yong Kim, Eun Kyung Lee, Je Kyung Seong, Ki Woo Kim, Kim Wook*. Peripheral cannabinoid 1 receptor blockade mitigates adipose tissue inflammation via NLRP3 inflammasome in mouse models of obesity.
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 10.1111/dom.13350 (2018) -
Shin H, Han JH, Yoon J, Sim HJ, Park TJ, Yang S, Lee EK, Kulkarni RN, Egan JM, and Kim W*. Blockade of cannabinoid 1 receptor improves glucose responsiveness in pancreatic beta cells. J Cell Mol Med. 22:2337 (2018).
Kang H, Rho JG, Kim C, Tak H, Lee H, Ji E, Ahn S, Shin AR, Cho HI, Huh YH, Song WK, Kim W*, Lee EK*. The miR-24-3p/p130Cas: a novel axis regulating the migration and invasion of cancer cells. Scientific reports 7 (2017): 44847
Kim J, Lee KJ, Kim JS, Rho JG, Shin JJ, Song WK, Lee EK, Egan JM, Kim W. Cannabinoids Regulate Bcl-2 and Cyclin D2 Expression in Pancreatic β Cells. PLoS One 11(3):e0150981 (2016)
González-Mariscal I, Krzysik-Walker SM, Kim W*, Rouse M, Egan JM. Blockade of cannabinoid 1 receptor improves GLP-1R mediated insulin secretion in mice. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 423:1-10 (2016) [*Corresponding author]
Kang H, Kim C, Lee H, Rho JG, Seo JW, Nam JW, Song WK, Nam SW, Kim W* and Lee EK*. Downregulation of microRNA-362-3p and microRNA-329 promotes tumor progression in human breast cancer.
Cell Death & Differentiation. 23(3):484-495 (2016) [*Corresponding author] -
Shin JJ, Lee EK, Park TJ, Kim W*. Damage-associated molecular patterns and their pathological relevance in diabetes mellitus. Ageing Res. Rev. 24(Pt A):66-76 (2015)
Kim W, Fiori JL, Shin YK, Okun E, Kim JS, Rapp PR, Egan JM. Pancreatic polypeptide inhibits somatostatin secretion. FEBS Lett. 588:3233-3239 (2014)
Jeong da E, Lee EK, Song WK, Kim W*. The 31-kDa caspase-generated cleavage product of p130Cas antagonizes the action of MyoD during myogenesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 444(4):509-513 (2014)
Kim C*, Kim W*, Lee H, Ji E, Choe YJ, Martindale JL, Akamatsu W, Okano H, Kim HS, Nam SW, Gorospe M, Lee EK. The RNA-binding protein HuD regulates autophagosome formation in pancreatic β cells by promoting autophagy-related gene 5 expression. J. Biol. Chem. 289(1):112-121 (2014) [* Co-first author]
Kang YS, Jeong da E, Lee EK, Song WK, Kim W*. p130Cas controls the susceptibility of cancer cells to TGF-β-induced growth inhibition. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 438(1):116-121 (2013)
Kang H, Kim C, Lee H, Kim W*, Lee EK*. Post-transcriptional controls by ribonucleoprotein complexes in the acquisition of drug resistance. Int. J. Mol. Sci.14(8):17204-17220 (2013) [*Corresponding author]
Kim W, Lao Q, Shin YK, Carlson OD, Lee EK, Gorospe M, Kulkarni RN, Egan JM. Cannabinoids Induce Pancreatic Beta-Cell Death by Directly Inhibiting Insulin Receptor Activation. Science Signaling 2012 5(216):ra23 [Cover Story]
Lee EK*, Kim W*, Tominaga K, Martindale JL, Yang X, Subaran SS, Carlson OD, Mercken EM, Kulkarni RN, Akamatsu W, Okano H, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, de Cabo R, Egan JM, Gorospe M. RNA-binding protein HuD controls insulin translation. Mol. Cell 45(6):826-835 (2012) [*co-first author]
Kim W and Lee EK. Posttranscriptional regulation in metabolic diseases. RNA Biol. 9(6):772-780 (2012)
Kim W, Doyle ME, Liu Z, Lao Q, Shin YK, Carlson OD, Kim HS, Thomas S, Napora JK, Lee EK, Moaddel R, Wang Y, Maudsley S, Martin B, Kulkarni RN, and Egan JM. Cannabinoids inhibit insulin receptor signaling in pancreatic beta cells. Diabetes 60(4): 1198-1209 (2011)
Kim W, Shin YK, Kim BJ, and Egan JM. Notch signaling in pancreatic endocrine cell and diabetes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 392(3):247-251 (2010)
Kim W & Egan JM. The role of incretins in glucose homeostasis and diabetes treatment. Pharmacol. Rev. 60(4):470-512 (2008) [Cover Story]
Kim W, Kang YS, Kim JS, Shin NY, Hanks SK, and Song WK. The integrin-coupled signaling adaptor p130Cas represses functions of Smad3 in TGF-β signalings. Mol. Biol. Cell 19(5), 2135-2146 (2008)
Kim W, Kook S, Kim DJ, Teodorof C, and Song WK. The 31-kDa caspase-generated cleavage product of p130cas functions as a transcriptional repressor of E2A in apoptotic cells. J. Biol. Chem. 279(9):8333-8342 (2004)
[Co-Author] : 26 papers
Eun Kyung Song1,2*, Jimin Jeon3,4,5*, Dong Gil Jang1, Ha Eun Kim1, Hyo Jung Sim1,Keun Yeong Kwon1, Sofia Medina-Ruiz6, Hyun-Jun Jang1, Ah Reum Lee1, Jun Gi Rho7,Hyun-Shik Lee8, Seok Jung Kim9, Chan Young Park1, Kyungjae Myung2, Wook Kim7,Taejoon Kwon1, Siyoung Yang3,4,5†, Tae Joo Park1,2†. ITGBL1 modulates integrin activity to promote cartilage formation and protect against arthritis. Science translational medicine 10.462 (2018): eaam7486.
Li-Jung Kang1,2,3,*, Eun-Soo Kwon4,*, Kwang Min Lee5,*, Chanmi Cho1,2,3, Jae-In Lee6, Young Bae Ryu6, Tae Hyun Youm4,7, Jimin Jeon1,2,3, Mi Ra Cho8, Seon-Yong Jeong2,9, Sang-Rae Lee10,11, Wook Kim12 and Siyoung Yang1,2,3. 3′‐Sialyllactose as an inhibitor of p65 phosphorylation ameliorates the progression of experimental rheumatoid arthritis. British journal of pharmacology.(2018). https://doi.org/10.1111/bph.14486
Tak H, Kang H, Ji E, Hong Y, Kim W, Lee EK. Potential use of TIA-1, MFF, microRNA-200a-3p, and microRNA-27 as a novel marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 497(4):1117-1122 (2018).
Jeon J, Kang LJ, Lee KM, Cho C, Song EK, Kim W, Park TJ, Yang S. 3'-Sialyllactose protects against osteoarthritic development by facilitating cartilage homeostasis. J Cell Mol Med. 22(1):57-66 (2018).
Tak H, Eun JW, Kim J, Park SJ, Kim C, Ji E, Lee H, Kang H, Cho DH, Lee K, Kim W, Nam SW, Lee EK. T-cell-restricted intracellular antigen 1 facilitates mitochondrial fragmentation by enhancing the expression of mitochondrial fission factor. Cell Death Differ. 24(1):49-58 (2017).
Lee H, Kim C, Kang H, Tak H, Ahn S, Yoon SK, Kuh HJ, Kim W, Lee EK. microRNA-200a-3p increases 5-fluorouracil resistance by regulating dual specificity phosphatase 6 expression. Exp Mol Med.49(5):e327 (2017).
Kim C, Lee H, Kang H, Shin JJ, Tak H, Kim W, Gorospe M, Lee EK. RNA-binding protein HuD reduces triglyceride production in pancreatic β cells by enhancing the expression of insulin-induced gene 1. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1859(4):675-85 (2016)
Gil M, Kim YK, Kim KE, Kim W, Park CS, Lee KJ. Cellular prion protein regulates invasion and migration of breast cancer cells through MMP-9 activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 470(1):213-9 (2016)
Tak H, Kim JH, Jayabalan AK, Lee H, Kang H, Cho DH, Ohn T, Nam SW, Kim W, Lee EK. miR-27 regulates mitochondrial networks by directly targeting the mitochondrial fission factor. Exp. Mol. Med. 46:e123 (2014)
Lee H, Kim C, Ku JL, Kim W, Yoon SK, Kuh HJ, Lee JH, Nam SW, Lee EK. A Long Non-Coding RNA snaR Contributes to 5-Fluorouracil Resistance in Human Colon Cancer Cells. Mol Cells 37(7):540-546 (2014)
Chia CW, Odetunde JO, Kim W, Carlson OD, Ferrucci L, Egan JM.. GIP contributes to islet tri-hormonal abnormalities in type 2 diabetes. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 99(7):2477-2485 (2014)
Kim C, Lee H, Cho YM, Kwon OJ, Kim W, Lee EK. TNFα-induced miR-130 resulted in adipocyte dysfunction during obesity-related inflammation. FEBS Lett. 587(23):3853-3858 (2013)
Fiori JL, Shin YK, Kim W, Krzysik-Walker SM, González-Mariscal I, Carlson OD, Sanghvi M, Moaddel R, Farhang K, Gadkaree SK, Doyle ME, Pearson KJ, Mattison JA, de Cabo R, Egan JM. Resveratrol Prevents β-Cell Dedifferentiation in Nonhuman Primates Given a High-Fat/High-Sugar Diet. Diabetes 62(10):3500-3513 (2013)
Spivak CE, Kim W, Liu QR, Lupica CR, and Doyle ME. Blockade of β-cell KATP channels by the endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 423(1):13-18 (2012)
Spivak CE, Kim W, Liu QR, Lupica CR, and Doyle ME. Blockade of β-cell KATP channels by the endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 423(1):13-18 (2012)
2.Shin YK, Cong WN, Cai H, Kim W, Maudsley S, Egan JM, Martin B. Age-Related Changes in Mouse Taste Bud Morphology, Hormone Expression, and Taste Responsivity. J. Gerontol. A. Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 67(4):336-344 (2012)
3.Zhu M, Hu J, Perez E, Phillips D, Kim W, Ghaedian R, Napora JK, Zou S. Effects of long-term cranberry supplementation on endocrine pancreas in aging rats. J. Gerontol. A. Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 66(11):1139-51 (2011)
4.Kang YS, Kim W, Huh YH, Bae J, Kim JS, and Song WK. P130Cas attenuates epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor internalization by modulating EGF-triggered dynamin phosphorylation. PLoS One 6(5):e20125 (2011)
5.Liu Z, Kim W, Chen Z, Shin YK, Carlson OD, Fiori JL, Xin L, Napora JK, Short R, Odetunde JO, Lao Q, and Egan JM. Insulin and Glucagon Regulate Pancreatic α-Cell Proliferation. PLoS One 6(1):e16096 (2011)
6.Lee EK, Lee MJ, Abdelmohsen K, Kim W, Kim MM, Srikantan S, Martindale JL, Hutchison ER, Kim HH, Marasa BS, Selimyan R, Egan JM, Smith SR, Fried SK, and Gorospe M. miR-130 Suppresses Adipogenesis by Inhibiting Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor {gamma} Expression. Mol. Cell Biol. 31(4):626-38 (2011)
1.Martin B, Shin YK, White CM, Ji S, Kim W, Carlson OD, Napora JK, Chadwick W, Chapter M, Waschek JA, Mattson MP, Maudsley S, and Egan JM. Vasoactive intestinal peptide-null mice demonstrate enhanced sweet taste preference, dysglycemia, and reduced taste bud leptin receptor expression. Diabetes 59(5):1143-1152 (2010)
2.Martin B, Golden E, Carlson OD, Pistell P, Zhou J, Kim W, Frank BP, Thomas S, Chadwick WA, Greig NH, Bates GP, Sathasivam K, Borchelt DR, Bernier M, Maudsley S, Mattson MP, and Egan JM. Exendin-4 normalizes blood glucose, ameliorates brain and pancreatic pathologies and extends survival in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease. Diabetes 58(2):318-328 (2009)
3.Chia CW, Mager DE, Carlson OD, Kim W, Shin YK, Charles CP, Cirincione B, Kim HS, Melvin DL, and Egan JM. Exogenous glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide worsens post-prandial hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 58(6):1342-1349 (2009)
4.Shin YK, Martin B, Golden E, Dotson CD, Maudsley S, Kim W, Jang HJ, Mattson MP, Drucker DJ, Egan JM, and Munger SD. Modulation of taste sensitivity by GLP-1 signaling. J. Neurochem. 106(1), 455-463 (2008)
Kook S, Kim DH, Shim SR, Kim W, Chun JS, and Song WK. Caspase-dependent cleavage of tensin induces disruption of actin cytoskeleton during apoptosis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 303(1):37-45 (2003)
Kim DH, Choi SJ, Kook S, Kim W, and Song WK. Phosphorylation-dependent cleavage of p130cas in apoptotic rat-1 cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 300(1):141-8 (2003)